Whitby 1901 Census transcripts
 MDFS::Docs.Whitby.Census.1901 Search  

Whitby1901.csv 1.68M  CSV file of full Whitby 1901 census, transcripts being corrected, some street addresses missing.
Whitby1901.rtf 635K  Transcript of Whitby 1901 census in electoral register format.
Whitby1901.txt 1.41M  Transcript of Whitby 1901 census registers, plain text.
  • Addresses added, being checked.
  • Most spelling mistakes have been corrected.
  • Cross-referenced with 1901 Whitby Street Directory.
  • Occupations and marital status being added, EDs 1-7,10-12 done.
  • Unoccupied and nondomestic properties being added, EDs 1-9,11-12 done.
  • Not yet cross-referenced with other Whitby Street Directories and other census returns.
  • Still some spelling mistakes.
Ages1901.txt 6K  Age profile of Whitby 1901 census.

1891 Authored by J.G.Harston
Last update: 24-Sep-2020