pdp11 PDP11 Programming tips and code fragments
 MDFS::Info.Comp.PDP11.ProgTips Search  
Arithmetic  Some arithmetic code
MulDivAsh  16-bit MUL, DIV, ASH in software
AddSub32  32-bit addition and subtraction
Multiply32  32-bit multiply
Divide32 32-bit divide
Conversions and calculations
SqRootTest (L
Calculate integer Square Root
Integer Square Root BASIC source and test code
Dates and Time
DofWeek (L)
Calculating day of week
Day of Week BASIC source and test code
AnsiKBD  Parsing ANSI keyboard input
AnsiVDU  Converting to ANSI VDU output
KBDTest  Testing for a keypress
Various things
Debug  Various debug subroutines
UnixRT  Creating a combined RT11/Unix runtime binary
Radix50  Encoding/decoding a Radix50 filename
Displaying numbers
PrDecimal  Printing small numbers in decimal
PrDecNum  Printing decimal numbers without DIV
PrDecDiv  Printing decimal numbers with DIV
PrDecimals  Printing 32-bit selected decimal places
CRC calculation
CRC-8 Calculating 8-bit CRCs
CRC16  Calculating CRC-16 for XMODEM and Acorn CFS/RFS
CRC32  Calculating CRC-32 for ZIP files
Calling Unix system calls
System  Calling exec() to execute a file
ClaimMem  Calling brk() to claim memory
PDP11  PDP11 documentation
RT11  RT11 documentation
Unix  Unix documentation
Programs and tools
BBCBasic  BBC BASIC for the PDP11
DisAssem  BBC BASIC PDP11 disassembler
Assembler  BBC BASIC PDP11 assembler

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Last update: 26-Sep-2020