[img] BBC Relocatable Modules
 MDFS::Info.Comp.BBC.Modules Search  
ModuleInfo      Using sideways modules
SMLoad/src (L)  Source for *SMLoad to load sideways modules
SMList/src (L)  Source for *SMList to list sideways modules
SMFree/src (L)  Source for *SMFree to list free sideways module space
SMJoin (L)      Join multiple modules into one file
ModWriting      Writing sideways modules
SMLib (L)       Support routine for writing sideways modules
SampleList      Sample list of installed modules
Sideways Modules/Sideways ROMs with relocation tables:
NullKbd/src (L) Sample sideways module source
NullKbd         NullKeyboard module
RAMCount        Startup banner displays counts sideways RAM
AP6Count        RAMCount for Electron with AP6
AP6v131         Electron AP6 ROM Manager and File Utilities
SRAMv130        BBC ROM Manager and File Utilities
TUBE            Tube host
TUBEelk         Tube host for Electron
MouseROM   info Mouse driver
TreeROM    info TreeCopy in ROM
DisAssem   info Disassembly routines
SWMode     info Extended MODEs 8-14
OwlBoot         Display owl startup splash screen (dv8)
TVSet           Force *TV setting on Break (Ray Bellis)
RESET           *RESET and OSBYTE 163,253, cause machine reset
USBROM     info USB Support, keyboard mouse and printer driver
SoftRTC    info Soft Real-Time Clock
ServROM         Display service calls
HADFS Support
Short sideways ROMs suitable for adding modules to:
AP1v131         Electron AP1 support (base ROM)
HostFS          Serial Host Filing System

Pre-built multiple-module sideways ROMs:
AP6v131/rom     AP1+AP6+TUBE+AP6Count
BasicTools      Various BASIC tools
DiskTools       Various disk tools

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Last update: 23-Apr-2017