Z80 Tube™ Software and Resources |
MDFS::Software.Tube.Z80 | Search |
AcornCPM | Acorn CP/M system disks. | |
Z80CoPro | Acorn CPM and Z80 Second Processor documentation. | |
Keystrip | Acorn CP/M function keystrips. | |
ZNOS | Z80 Network Operating System, CP/M for Econet | |
CPMTube.zip | 79K | BBC BASIC for Z80 Second Processor running CPM. |
Z80Basic.zip | 106K | BBC BASIC for the Z80 Second Processor with standard BBC file I/O instead of CP/M file I/O. Can be fitted as a sideways ROM or loaded into sideways RAM. |
z80tube.gif | 479K | Z80 Second Processor circuit diagram. |
TubeZ80.src | 4K 46K | Z80 CoPro ROM v1.21 (v1.20 ROM patched with
(L) to fix various bugs
(docs)) and version 3 OSWORD &FF transfer code.
Z80 CoPro ROM commented source. |
ZTUBEROM.zip | 88K | Z80 CoPro client ROMs v1.20, v1.21, v2.00, v2.2c, v2.30, source for v1.20, v2.00, v2.2c, v2.30. |
SerialZ80 Z80Small TorchZ80 | 24K 2K 45K 1K 38K 2K | Serial Tube client. |
CPM | CPM Software and resources. | |
HardDrive | Replacement Acorn CP/M BIOS to provide access to a CP/M drive C: in an image file, eg on a hard drive or network server. | |
OswFF/src (L)
OswFF | Original OSWORD &FF data transfer code. | |
OswFFv3/src (L)
OswFFv3 | Updated OSWORD &FF data transfer code, allows access to sideways ROMs and shadow screen, faster transler loop, able to access Electron TUBE port, enables IRQs so clock, etc. keeps going, uses fast Tube polling, up to 6 times faster. | |
CPMFiler | Filer to access Acorn CPM, Amstrad CPM, AmsDOS, Einstein, Torch CPN and Slogger DDCPM disks and disk images. Works on BBC/Master, RISC OS and Windows. | |
MonZ80 MkSrcZ80 | 4K 11K 7K | BBC BASIC Z80 disassembler module, disassembler and source generator. |
Z80Tube.zip | 193K | Z80Tube v1.14. Emulates a Z80 coprocessor attached to an Acorn RISC OS computer in the same way that 65Tube emulates a 6502 coprocessor. |
cZ80Tube.zip | 151K | cZ80Tube v0.27. Portable C version of Z80Tube. Source may be freely distributed and used in other code. See LICENSE for details. |
PEDL | PEDL Z80 CoProcessor. | |
ABC | Acorn Business Computer Z80 CoProcessor. | |
Torch | Torch Z80 CoProcessor. |