Whitby 1881 Census transcripts
 MDFS::Docs.Whitby.Census.1881 Search  

Whitby1881.csv 1.1M  About 50% of 1881 Whitby census.
Whitby1881.rtf 377K  Transcript of Whitby 1881 census in electoral register format.
Whitby1881.txt 985K  Text transcript of Whitby 1881 census.
  • Household numbers added for 09:Whitby.
  • Addresses not yet canonicalised and spelling and punctuation corrected.
  • Spelling mistakes, missing addresses, etc. not yet corrected.
  • Entries sorted by page, but not grouped into households.
  • Not yet cross-referenced with Whitby Street Directories and other census returns.
  • Many building numbers currently missing.

1871 Authored by J.G.Harston
Last update: 31-Oct-2019