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Date   : Thu, 01 Aug 2002 11:59:34 +0100 
From   : Darren Logan <Darrenl@...>
Subject: Major BBC to PC conversion project

Dear all,
Approx. 20 years ago, the company i work for contracted a company to
an instrument for us (a humidity measuring instrument) which was based
on a
Z80 u-processor. We still sell this instrument (in small qtys) and of
still service them.
The humidity sensors which go with the instrument are calibrated by
several capacitance readings along with reference humidity levels.
Thus we end up with a calibration table of humidity versus resistance.
Another contractor designed a BBC program for us where we entered the
table and the BBC program would create an appropriate EEprom map from
data. The Eprom is a 27C64.
Thus each sensor would have it's own dedicated Eprom containing cal.
The Eprom and sensor would then be plugged into the instrument.
We are attempting to convert all this over to a PC. Unfortunately we've
misplaced the information regarding how the instrument reads the Eprom
converts the data into a humidity reading !. So we're a little stuck.
We can print out the data which the BBC program produces. So we've got
printouts which we are trying to match with the original cal. table so
can see how the conversion is done. Not easy though.
1. We enter data into the BBC program.
2. The program creates an appropriate file of the cal. table for a
3. We use a BBC Eprom programmer (and accompanying software) from
Technomatic to program the Eproms.
4. We want to be able to do all this on a PC !!
Any ideas or pointers appreciated.
Does anything think an emulator would work ???? (don't forget, we need
Eprom programmer connected)
Kind regards, 
Darren Logan BSc(Hons) 
Development Engineer 
Michell Instruments Ltd   tel: +44(0)1223 434 854 
Nuffield Close                fax: +44(0)1223 434 895 
Cambridge                    www.michell-instruments.com 
CB4 1SS                       mailto:darrenl@...

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