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Date   : Sat, 08 Apr 2006 07:29:56 +0100
From   : "Steve O'Leary" <navalenigma@...>
Subject: Re: CPM disk conversions for Beebem?

>From: "A.J. Davis" <mail@...>>
>When I used to run my Spectrum PD library I had quite a few CP/M 
>compilation disks which ran on the Spectrum +3 CP/M system.
>I've still got images of these disks, but as they're in the Amstrad CPC / 
>PCW format, they can't be natively read by Beebem.
>Does anyone have the skills or tools necessary to convert them and give us 
>a large collection of disks to use on the emulator?
>I've zipped and posted a couple of samples here:
>which should convert back to floppies with Omnidisk / Omniflop.
>If there's some success I'll be happy to pass on the other couple of dozen 
>disks and host them on my site.

If no one else comes forward I can add the code to read them to my 
DFSManager software for the beeb but no time to include it yet for around 2 
months I'd guess + dev time.

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