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Date   : Sun, 09 Apr 2006 10:34:37 +0100
From   : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: Re: CPM disk conversions for Beebem?

In article <4436BCA1.4070104@...>, A.J. Davis
<mail@...> writes
>When I used to run my Spectrum PD library I had quite a few CP/M 
>compilation disks which ran on the Spectrum +3 CP/M system.
>I've still got images of these disks, but as they're in the Amstrad CPC 
>/ PCW format, they can't be natively read by Beebem.

I got some of the Infocom games for CP/M on an Amstrad 8256 to run on my
BBC/Torch system (they also worked on the Acorn Z80) by putting the
discs in a Spectrum +3 and echoing the files to the serial port, then
grabbing them at the BBC end with a simple program to read the serial
port and write incoming bytes to disk.

Can't remember the commands used at the Spectrum end, but it would have
been something along the lines of:

10 FORMAT LINE 9600            ' set baud rate to 9600
20 FORMAT LPRINT "r"           ' tell the speccy to use the serial port
30 FORMAT LPRINT "u"           ' don't expand BASIC tokens
40 OPEN #4, "p"                ' open a channel to the serial port
50 COPY "a:copyme.com" TO #4   ' copy a file to it
60 CLOSE #4                    ' close it

I'd be very interested in seeing images of your CP/M PD compilations.
Jon Welch's version of BeebEm now has Z80 second processor support and
I'm itching to try it out.


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