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Date   : Sun, 09 Apr 2006 13:28:56 +0100
From   : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: Contikit anyone?

At 12:47 09/04/2006, dominic beesley wrote:

>I've recently been working on a version of cc65 (www.cc65.org) to 
>target the BBC range. (an early version can be found at 
>I've managed to get contiki http://www.sics.se/~adam/contiki/ 
>working (just the desktop and a couple of programs). Would there be 
>any serious interest in this.

congrats!!  this is something I've always had in my "must see if I 
can do it" pile.. (unfortunately this keeps growing...)

>To help me get a bit further, I've managed to put most of the C 
>Library in a sideways RAM bank and load the program in normal 
>memory. To squeeze more I'd like to use several SW/RAM banks but 
>find that whenever I call OS routines it plops me back in whatever 
>ROM/SWRAM bank it thinks is most appropriate with terrible consequences.
>Is there a document or discussion or whatever that details how best 
>to go about coding for multiple RAM/ROM banks

You can use the extended vectors to point any of the standard OS or 
user vectors into a call within a specified sideways rom/ram bank, so 
as to intercept for your custom routines.  See AUG p326 for details 
on how to do this.  As long as your calling routine was itself called 
correctly, wherever it was, I belive that the return from this should 
come back to the same place.

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