Date : Sat, 13 May 2006 17:20:59 -0400
From : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: More fun with DFS, TUBE, yada yada
According to the 6502 Second Processor Service Manual, there is a link on the
board you can set to power the second processor via the Tube, although this
is probably not recommended. The one I have which isn't in its original box
is inside an old plastic biscuit box with a BBC B PSU next to it running
off one of
the 0v and 5v wires.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Sprow
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Mon, 08 May 2006 21:46:40 +0100
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] More fun with DFS, TUBE, yada yada
In article <>,
Joel Rowbottom <joel@...> wrote:
> Right, i've got a bit further and worked out I had three (!) busted
> 7438s in my junkpile. Now I have 1770 DFS working.
> I picked up some time back a 6502 2nd processor and a Z80 2nd
> processor. The 6502 one doesn't have the PSU with it but I've tested
> it running from one of the +5 rails in the Beeb although I suspect
> this isn't recommended :P Question is, is it advisable to run the
> 6502 2nd processor from the internal BBC B power supply for any
> length of time? If so I might as well just wire up something from the
> external power port to run it.
You could measure the current, and compare it with a beeb powered floppy
drive, then base your decision on that: no floppy, but perhaps a coprocessor.
You should also note that the +5V is on the Tube connector already, so self
powering the board should be just a matter of making the appropriate link.
> The Z80 2nd processor just causes mad screen issues. I don't think it
> works.
Try swapping the ULA with the one from the 6502. I have spares.
> Now, the other question. Over the years I've acquired a few bits and
> bobs of Beebs as we all have, and found that I have two Acorn speech
> upgrade chipsets. One of them works fine with the chip ID TMS6100NLL.
> The other one is slightly different and appears to either be a blank
> PHROM or doesn't have any usable data in it - the chip is VM61002NL -
> anyone got any clues? (pics of the non-working chipset at
It might be a non UK PHROM.
Try SOUND-2,word,0,0
and SOUND-3,word,0,0 etc
up to -15.
Alternatively, my speech chips are available individually too.