Date : Fri, 05 Nov 2010 13:07:40 +0000
From : groupsstuff@... (Farlie A)
Subject: Programming: Sigsumeidsi
I've been asked to re-do the color specfication, owing to a number of
typographical errors..
However I thought I'd go back and specify something simpler.
Numbers in Sigsumeidsi are nominlay BASE 16 and are represented as
combinations of :
id - &1
bi - &2
tet - &4
oct- &8
hex- &10
it - is used as base 16 left shift operator.
se- (symbol end) - I've added this given an ambiguity that arose in the
previous thread, It's is however sometimes ommited.
nul - zero
Basic (math) operators are :
a - + add
una - - (unadd) subtraction
mul - * multiply
rip - DIV ison ( re-group into x parts )
So for counting from &0 to &10
&0 - nulse
&1 - idse
&2 - bise
&3 - biidse ( Note in Sigsumeidsi you don't write duplicated symbols
you write b'id instead...)
&4 - tetse
&5 - tetidse
&6 - tetbise
&7 - tetb'idse
&8 - octse
&9 - octidse
&A -octbise
&B - octb'idse
&C - oct'etse
&D - oct'etidse
&E - oct'etbise
&F -oct'etbi'dse
&10 - hexse (or iditse)
&11 - hexidse (or iditidse)
&12- hexbise (or iditidse)
.. etc...
To convert an integer number you thusly only need to know it's binary
form to convert it to its simple Sigsumeidsi name.
However, for some numbers a shorthand format can also be used, relying
on the mathematical operators:
&FFFF for example could be written out in a long form as above or could
be expressed as &10000-1
Long form :
&10 0 0 0 1 -
hex it it it se id se una se
The shorthand form can also be used for negative numbers:
namely -1, nulseidseunase and so on..
Note: It is possible to build numbers like idsebisemulse (&2) ,
idsebiitsemulse (&1 * &20) = &20 , but in general numbers are reduced
down to the simplest form.
From the above it should be possible to program something that prints
the Sigsumeidsi form of a integer number. :)
(Fractions would be more complex, so I'll await comments.)