[img] BBC/Master Hardware and Schematics
MDFS::Info.Comp.BBC.Hardware Search
IDE Interface

IDE Hard Drive Interface

8bit/cdv4.gif  8-bit IDE interface circuit diagram
proto1.jpg  Picture of the 8-bit interface
16bit/cdv2.pdf  16-bit interface circuit diagram
pcb1.jpg  Picture of the full 16-bit interface
HardDrive  General hard drive information
MIDI Interface

MIDI Interface

jgh.gif  Circuit diagram
jgh1.jpg  Picture of the MIDI interface
jgh2.jpg  Picture of the MIDI interface
MIDI.txt  *MIDI command documentation
MIDI.zip  *MIDI command
MIDI  MIDI software and resources

Border Colour interface

Border Colour Module

cdv2.gif  Circuit diagram
Module.jpg  Picture of the border module

Display Extensions

Extended palette, software and hardware extended screen MODEs, palette and colour information.


USB Tools and Resources

RetroClinic DataCentre
USBSupport USB Tools and Resources
BBC Mouse

Connecting a Mouse

Mouse.zip  Mouse driver software.
MouseTest  BASIC mouse test program.
MouseLib  BASIC mouse interface library.
pics  Pictures of mice and connectors


LCD Display Interface

A few bits and pieces here, here and some pictures and documentation.

Keyboard Interfacing

Keyboard  Keyboard interfacing.


HardwareBBC I/O hardware addresses BBCBBC hardware resources
FREDAddrsFRED &FC00-&FCFF I/O addresses CircuitsCircuit diagrams
JIMAddrsJIM &FD00-&FDFF I/O addresses BeebEx.gifBeebEx backplane
SHEILAddrsSHEILA &FE00-&FEFF I/O addresses EuroBeebEuroBeeb rack mounted systems
KeyboardKeyboard information CUBECUBE
EmulatedIOEmulating external hardware on RISC OS BBC emulators   E2PElectron Second Processor
HardDriveHard Drive interface options for BBCs and Masters MonitorConnecting monitors to BBCs and Masters
SCSISchematics for Acorn SCSI hard drive interface DisplayBBC display extensions
IDEBBC IDE Hard Drive Interface BorderBBC Border Colour Module
GoMMCGoMMC tools LCDBBC LCD Interface
USBUSB Tools and Resources MIDIBBC MIDI Interface
SROMsSideways ROMs add-ons MouseBBC Mice and Mouse Drivers
MiscMisc picsSome pictures

Links to other site

Sprow An impressive collection of hardware projects, including
interfaces for a barcode scanner, LCD display, 24bit RAM
card, 2nd serial port, PS/2 keyboard, ARM7 CoPro, and
MiniB - a BBC the size of a disk drive.
John Kortink GoMMC RAMcard storage for BBCs and Masters, ReCo6502 65186 coprocessor.
RetroClinic RetroClinic.
RetroHardware RetroHardware.

Best viewed with Any Browser Valid HTML 4.0! Authored by J.G.Harston
Last update: 30-Nov-2020