mdfs.System.ROMs.Comms Search

AMT104          AMT                           1.04                (C)1983 P.J.HARRIS
ARTS101         ARTS                          1.01                (C)1983, ARTS
BEAST170        BEAST170                      1.70                (C)
CMSLINK200      CMSLINK -> Micro Module 9600 Baud 2.00                (C)1986 CMS Soft
COMMPAN85h      Commpanion                    8.5h                (C)1985 SoftMachinery
COMMUNI104      COMMUNICATOR                  1.04a               (C)1983 Specialist Software Products Ltd
COMMUNI105      COMMUNICATOR                  1.05                (C)1983 Specialist Software Products Ltd
COMSOFT86h      CommSoft                      8.6h                (C)1985 SoftMachinery
COMSTAR220      COMMSTAR V                    2.20                (C)PACE 1986
COMSTAR304      Commstar 3525                 3.04                (C)A.P.Hood 1983
COMSTAR352      Commstar 3045                 3.52                (C)A.P.Hood 1984
DATABEE100      (C)MTL                        A.ABEEB             (C)MTL
DECCE212        DECCE                         .00                 (C)NOTTM UNIV*BA.
DEMON-F101      Demon FUrom                   1.01                (C)1984 Arsehole Softwipe Ltd.
DEMON-Z101      Demon Zromm                   1.01                (C)1984 Argonaut Software Ltd.
DEMON-Z103      Demon Zromm                   1.03                (C)1985 Argonaut Software Ltd.
GRAPH-T201      Graphics Terminal             2.01                (C)1984 Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
GTSS200         GTSS                          2.00                (C)1983
HACKSTA220      Hackstar v                    2.20                (C)The Hacker'84
KERMIT025       KERMIT                        0.25                (C)CUCCA 1985
LEMODEM100      Le MODEM                      1.00                (C)Cliff Bryant
MICRONT140      MICRONET                      1.40                (C)1983 Scicon Ltd
MODEM101        Modem Controller              1.01                (C)Loco Systems
PHX023          PHX                           0.23                (C)University of Cambridge Computing Service
PRESTEL100      CGB                           1.00                (C)
PRESTEL110      CGB                           1.10                (C)
PRESTEL470      PRESTEL                       4.70n               (C)1983 SofMac
QMC1510         Terminal Emulator             1.510               (C)Computer Systems Laboratory
RS423v100       RS423                         1.00                (C)Acorn User /
RTTY105         RTTY                          1.05                (C)1983 P.J.HARRIS
TeleVid110      Televideo Emulator            1.10                (C)Protechnic computers
TERMI2v09A      TERMI (2)                     0.9A                (C)1984 Specialist Software Products Limited.
TERMNAL205      TERMINAL                      2.05                (C)1983 D.J.MARTIN
TERMUL100       TERMULATOR                    1.0Originally WORKSTATION 100 Authors B.Williams,K.C.Blanshard and S.Barnes (C)1984 UNIVERSITY of SUSSEX
TRXROM200       TRXROM                        2.00                (C)Vermillion 1984
UNITERM198      UNITERM                       1.983               (C)WOLFSON MICROELECTRONICS UNIT SWANSEA 1983
VAXVT001        VAX 15/01/85                  0.01                (C)COLIN C. CHARLTON LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY
VDU-410R        VDU                           4.10R               (C)1984 Univ of Leeds  Comp Service
VIDIFIX150      VIDIFIX                       1.50                (C)1984 H.O.Wagenaar
VT100v010       Tektronix 4010 and VT100 emulator 0.10                (C)1983 Polytechnic of Central London
WORKSTN14       WORKSTATION                   1.40                (C)1983 UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX COMPUTING CENTRE
WORKSTN150      WORKSTATION                   1.50                (C)1983 SUSSEX SOFTWARE

Authored by J.G.Harston
Last update: 26 May 2024