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March 1985 - sorted by date
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 Date  Message Subject  Poster
17 Mar 1985 Info and Software needed for the QT S-100 clock board.  Jon Albers
18 Mar 1985 Re: Mex/Modem apple overlays  Eric Hestenes
18 Mar 1985 Re: CP/M & MS-DOS on S-100 Bus???  notes%isucs1.uucp
18 Mar 1985 ZCPR2 for Kaypro IV  Douglas Good
18 Mar 1985 Port I/O from MBASIC...  Jordan Hayes on ttyp2
18 Mar 1985 Lat/Long Software?  ABN.ISCAMS
18 Mar 1985 Compass Course Software  ABN.ISCAMS
18 Mar 1985 Re: Dynamic Memory  john chapman
18 Mar 1985 APPLE CPM & MULTIPLAN  Paul M. Hudy
18 Mar 1985 March 1985 PAMS phone number list available  Keith Petersen
18 Mar 1985 Re: Port I/O from MBASIC...  ABN.ISCAMS
18 Mar 1985 Thanks for intel-to-zilog mnemonic converter info  DAVID DYER-BENNET MRO1-2/L14 ...
19 Mar 1985 re: Wordstar postprocessors  Jerry Hollombe
19 Mar 1985 need info on CP/M cards for Apple II+  etm%wuibc.uucp
19 Mar 1985 QK20 (QuickKey ver. 2.0) again available from SIMTEL20  Keith Petersen
20 Mar 1985 Re: March 1985 PAMS phone number list available  rpollard.ES
20 Mar 1985 File Xfer on DecMate   Gerald S. Key
20 Mar 1985 WPs for Stride (cpm 68k)  Tim Kelley
20 Mar 1985 DU-V89, FBAD59, FILT6, FORM6, NEAT6, SD98, TABS6 available  Keith Petersen
21 Mar 1985 Re: File Xfer on DecMate  edelheit
21 Mar 1985 Reply to: wps for stride (cpm 68k)  mknox
22 Mar 1985 Byte magazine programs and files available  Keith Petersen
22 Mar 1985 Re: Dynamic Memory  CHERRY.ES
22 Mar 1985 New 8-bit microprocessor  John Blalock
23 Mar 1985 Hayes 2400 modem  STERNLIGHT

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